Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Star Is Rising - Our Latest Foster Girl From Michigan ReGAP

This is a photograph of our new foster girl Star Is Rising. She's 71 lbs. and currently up for adoption by Michigan Retired Greyhounds As Pets.

We've had her about 3 weeks now. She's a truly wonderful girl, and deserves a real forever home. She knows hand signals for "sit" and "down." She knows her name very well, loves to go for walks, is very playful and loving, and has just learned to go up and down stairs quickly yet carefully. She's a dream to have in the car, and she walks great on leash! She's just a very loving girl -- and she's very well adjusted.

Unfortunately, as you'll notice in the photo, her tail has been amputated (bit by another dog). So she wags her butt! She's a very happy girl.


  1. Until you mentioned it I didn't even notice the tail. I was captivated with her beautiful face.
    Any word on Ceasar????

  2. Hi Frankie,

    No word on Cesar. We've been on the lookout for a week now. :-(

  3. She sounds like a sweetheart. How does Quasar like her? It's so great that you foster dogs. I don't think I could do it. I'd get too attached.

  4. Quasar is jealous of Star, and tries to be dominant but she pretty much just ignores him and tramples all over him (she's larger than he is). But he has come to really like playing with her -- seeing them chase each other in the yard or play tug-of-war with the rope is a real delight. I'm worried because I am getting attached to her. :-/


Conversation appreciated. Ours is a big world, with big opinions; please be respectful.