Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Flowers for My Blog Pals

Such a wonderful bouquet of flowers from my blog-pal Victoria at Teachings of The Horse. The flowers have helped to lift my spirits today. So, in the spirit of keeping a gift in motion, I'll pass on this bouquet to a few other blog-pals.

One bouquet is for Kat at Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes, who very recently lost her beloved father. Hugs, Kat.

A second bouquet is for Linda at Linda and Her Twaddle, who recently underwent surgery, but is back sharing with us her contemplations on life as a wife, mom, and artist in Australia. Nothing keeps you down, Linda!

And, because we are all about animals here at The Dog House, a third bouquet goes to -- good grief, what is her name?! -- my blog-pal over at Strawberry Lane, who's generous spirit has put her through many trials and tribulations with her rescue horse Shadow, and who recently adopted a rescued golden retriever named Katie.

Ladies, I salute you.


  1. Thank you, thank you !! Those beautiful flowers sure did make my day! Cheers to Quasar!

    P.S. my name is "Marvel". Come to think of it, I only talk about my animals by name. Hummm, interesting.

    Thanks again for thinking of me!

  2. Thanks Ms V. I love those fowers, Pink lillies smell divine. I had some at home after hospital. And thanks for your kind words.

  3. Glad you liked them - we "V" girls need to stick together!

  4. It sound like you are doing good work witk animals too. Personally I thank you on behalf of Hilde and Truls for your visit.


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