Sunday, November 16, 2008

Texas Busts One of the Largest Dogfighting Rings in the Country

According to the NY Times: Texas "State officials said late Friday that they had begun dismantling one of the largest dogfighting rings in the country that night, arresting eight people and seizing 187 dogs used by a sophisticated network of bettors throughout eastern Texas."

Read the full NY Times story: Dogfighting Ring is Broken Up in Texas.

Or read the Houston Chronicle story Huge dogfighting ring broken up in Harris Co., DA says. This story tells more about the 17-month investigation which required infiltration into the ring by undercover investigators, the indictment of 55 people, the arrest of a school teacher, and the discovery of firearms and drugs.

UPDATE: December 7, 2008

Read the NY Times follow up story  Dogfighting Subculture is Taking Hold in Texas. Sick and sad.


  1. No wonder people may be afraid of dogs if that kind of thing still goes on. I thought that kind of barbary ended with the year 1900.

    PS Thank you for the pleasant comment - I do the best I can!

  2. I saw your comment on henry the dog's blog and had to find out more. I can't click on the links you provided - it would upset me too much. I'd like to see everyone who hurt or harmed a dog strung up.

    That picture of Bastet is beautiful - he must have been a very special dog.

  3. Just stopping by and thought I'd say hello and nice blog!

  4. So sad. It makes me so angry to read about, hear about and know about such utter evil and cruelty to an animal who only wants to be here to love. This is so incredibly sad, and I wish the same on anyone who would do such a thing to a poor innocent animal.

    May they rot in hell.


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