Saturday, January 26, 2008

Horseplay - Toys for Horses

Recently, I've been checking in on Teachings of the Horse, a wonderful blog written by Victoria, who learns about herself and life from her horses Silk and Siete. She invites us to discover our "inner horse" as she does same.

In one of Victoria's recent posts, she mentioned that her five-year-old mare Siete was acting out some boredom. This got me to thinking about toys for horses, and if they exist. I remember some years back seeing one of those "funny pet" programs on TV and there was a horse kicking a ball around a corral, seemingly having lots of fun. Big dogs have toys, why not horses?

So, not knowing much about horses and play, I did an internet search and came upon a wonderful site - Horseplay Products (HP). Horseplay Products "designs, manufactures and sells equine products for horses at play and leisure." Perfect! Their products appear to be good for larger dogs, too. Along with toys, they also sell stall plaques and memorial markers, treats, and mounted feeders.

A "Jolly Ball" is offered at the Drs. Foster and Smith pet supplies site; it is nontoxic and fairly indestructible, about 10-inches diameter, and has a handle on it - so your horse can pick it up and carry it, as well as kick it and roll it. It's a good buy for only $17.99, and comes in unscented, and apple and bubblegum scents.

The good Doctors also offer a Wiggly Giggly ball on a rope, treats and treat dispensers, and other toys, including a "horse soccer starter kit," a 50-inch inflatable ball with "soccer rules" and instructional DVD.

And, finally, Drs. Foster and Smith have a wonderful article about "stable and stall vices," which discusses what constitutes a vice, lists the "vices," and addresses how to treat them and prevent them.

Toys are fun diversions for relieving boredom, anxiety, fear, or frustration. (Seems rather the same with people, yes?)

detroit dog says give the dog a bone! Or the horse a ball! Or something like that....


  1. My horses are very much into toys, espcially the stalltions. Because they aren't turned out with other horses it's good for them to have toys to focus on.

    I even have witnessed stallions in adjoining pastures competing with each other as they play with their toys. It is fun to watch and sure keeps their minds stimulated.

  2. DD- Thanks for mentioning my blog and doing this research. I'll definitely check it out. Siete has a "jolly ball", which she plays with a little in the pasture. I have something called a "lik-it", which is an object that hangs and has a carrot flavored something or other in it. I need to find a place tomorrow where I can hang it in the corral and not bash the barn or break a window . I'll let you know if I have any great success with any of the toys. What Siete really wants is a person who will pay attention to her all day!

  3. RR and VC: I'm glad to finally know something about horses; thanks to you both.

    Hopeful, isn't it, that our pets still think we're better than toys? They have incredible faith.

  4. Or man a camera? :-)

    Thank you for a nice comment!


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