Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Update on Star's Medical Emergency

As you can see from the photo above, Star is enjoying a little shade-time in this 92-degree heat.

Star is doing much better, though not as well - yet - as we had hoped. She had a vet appointment last Friday, and they still found some blood in her stool. So, she's on another round of antibiotics and Sulcrafate, and is still eating only Hill's Prescription Diet i/d for Canines.

However, Star's appetite is back in a big way, though we are still not allowed to give her any treats. So, by default, this means that Quasar doesn't get any treats. And they both want treats (if the treat jar is even nudged, they come a running!). The extra good news, though, is that they are both losing a few pounds to get back to "retirement" weight (no more than 5 lbs. over their racing weight).

Part of Star's problem, we believe, is that she will eat anything -- I mean anything! We had a small bbq on Saturday with family in town, and as we cleaned the grill she was trying to eat all the scrapings! She's still looking for tidbits!

Star has another vet appointment on Friday, so I'll let you all know how she's doing on that day.

Stay cool in this heat!


  1. SO very glad to hear that Star is doing better. Poor Quasar... Well, Misery DOES love Company. BOL

    Please keep us posted. Paws Crossed for a good report from the Vet on Friday.

    If you need a little FUN in your life.. LOL
    "Blogville" is going to be doing OUR OWN OLYMPICS. There are some grrrreat events lined up that Star and Quasar would be MORE than WELCOME to enter. It will be a blast.

  2. Star, my condolences on the lack of treats! That sounds even worse than being sick!


  3. Thank you, Bunny! It IS worse than being sick! I'll let you know when the treats start to flow again. :-)

  4. Best wishes to Star for continued healing!!

  5. He is absolutely the Star of the show - and on by birthday, too :-)
    Have nice summer!


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