Thursday, February 26, 2009

Van Gogh's Ear Award

Blogpal Victoria, at Teachings of the Horse, has seen fit to bestow upon Detroit Dog (and select others) the Van Gogh's Ear Award.

“The Van Gogh's Ear Award is for blogs that are making a difference in the blogosphere," its creator said, "We are all artists in our own way, be it art, photography, writing, philosophy, comedy, or blogging, and we all go a little crazy sometimes.... Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else."

So, in the spirit of artistic craziness, I'm going to pass the Van Gogh's Ear Award to my blogpal Henry The Dog, who is both a little crazy and hears much better than most humans, and has certainly made a difference in the lives of many humans and canines.

Remember, Henry, the Ear is not a play thing!


  1. Good Job! Congrats! Hope everything is going well with you :)

  2. Thanks Detroit - now I know how Kate Winslet must have felt at the Oscars that evening. I accept it with pride and will do a blog about it tomorrow xxx

  3. I am glad that Henry got this award. He does deserve it. I just wish the ear had been as cute as Henry's are. Or possibly as long and curly as mine. he he he
    Licks and Wags


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