Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quasar Sleeping

So I woke up about 3 a.m. the other night and had time to go downstairs and get my camera and come back upstairs and take a picture of the still sleeping Quasar! I suspect he must be getting comfy in his new home.


  1. Congratulations! I just hope that he doesn't "Quack"!! ;-)

  2. He likes to chase things that go "Quack!"


    Thanks for stopping by, Rune.

  3. Us dogs can only sleep like that when we're relaxed and happy.

  4. Quasar looks adorable! I read your prior post and the letter Quasar sent to his former handlers.
    I LOVED it!!

    Maybe you should advise the Obama clan to adobt a greyhound!

  5. What a lovely picture. Sometimes I get up and watch the bichons sleeping, watching their little legs waggle whilst they dream. Ha! I've found another doggy person here :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by, French Fancy!

  7. too precious! good you caught the kodak moment.

  8. What a great photo!

    Now, is that boy comfy?! Maybe another pillow or two would do.
    I'm sure he's dreaming of the great day he just had and of an even more fun, tomorrow!

  9. Such a happy pup! I'm sending you a virtual bouquet for rescuing him and giving him a great new home - stop by my blog to pick it up (sorry I can't deliver it here).

  10. What a happy looking boy!!! I love your blog, by the way. I've wiped a lot of tears, though, since reading it. But it is necessary.

    Great stuff, really.

  11. It's obviously too warm at your home at 3AM...


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