Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's A Boy!

We didn't know we were expecting, so imagine our surprise when we fell in love with "Quasar."

He's now the brightness at the center of our galaxy!

Quasar is keeping his racing name; he knows it, answers to it, and it suits his quirkiness. He's nothing like our dear departed Bastet --in looks or temperament; we didn't think we could ever find another girl like her and, indeed, we did not. He is all boy. He's 66.7 lbs. of love, and dressed in a tux! He loves to fart and burp (it's a love fest with Dad), he barks (unusual for a greyhound), loves to "roughhouse," plays fetch with his squeaky hedgehog, chases squirrels, loves to be outside, and is quite the extrovert. At 4 years of age, he's still his puppy-self, but very well-mannered -- especially with "sit, stay" (treats help).

This past summer, we thought about the possibilities of adopting, but still weren't sure. In August, we received an email from Michigan ReGAP asking for additional foster families for some greyhounds coming out of the Second Chance At Life Greyhound & Inmate Prison Partnership Program. AR & I decided that we would foster as a way to figure out if we were ready for a dog. We completed our foster paperwork, and the next day I showed up at Dapper Dog Wash to pick up a dog. Quasar was assigned to me, and off we went.

I'll have to post more photos soon, and there is lots more to tell (his father was an Australian champion, he's an IVF baby, and he has over 5,400 siblings), but in the meantime, here is the letter Quasar will be mailing to his former handlers at the prison in Coldwater:


I am writing to tell you that I have just been adopted! It is a case of "foster failure"; that is, after all these weeks my foster parents decided that I must be their forever dog. They tell me that is so because I am such a good-looking and well-behaved dog and there is probably not another one like me out there and they feel so lucky that they just can't believe it! (And did I mention because I'm good-looking?)

So let me tell you about my new digs and my new family.

I am just crazy about my new Dad; he is my best buddy. We go for 2-mile walks almost every day, and he is a firm believer that life is not worth living without peanut butter treats. I like to race up and down the driveway when he gets home from work. I love to play with Mom, and if I bark at her, she will roughhouse with me. Mom and Dad do not have kids, so I am an only child. They are creative types, though, and come and go throughout the day, so there is almost always someone home with me.

There are lots of beds here! I have one in the basement so I can be with Dad while he practices guitar, and a bed on the first floor so I can just hang out (usually looking out the front door at the neighborhood), and another really comfy bed upstairs. At night I like to sleep on my back with my legs up in the air. We go on day trips, and I've already been to the cider mill and to State Parks. I've come to love car rides, and yesterday Dad took me around the block just for fun. It was a blast!

We have a small but nice home, and the yard is fenced so I can run free to chase the squirrels. I have a favorite tree which I will stand under for long periods of time just waiting to see those squirrels come out of their nest. We have discovered that I am quite the watchdog -- a real surprise to all of us. I patrol the house and windows, and I bark at squirrels, people, and strange sounds at night.

When I first came to live here, I really missed you guys, so much that I didn't eat for a few days and really worried everyone. But they got the idea to mix some canned food with my dry food, and now I eat two big meals a day.

Mom and Dad want me to give you a special "Thank You" for having spent your time and energy training me and letting me know what love is all about. It's a big exciting world out here, and I really appreciate your having prepared me, and I will remember you always for it. I hope there are other lucky dogs out there that will get to know you, too.

Best wishes forever,



  1. What a handsome fellow! Congratulations - I'm sure that he's going to have a wonderful life with you guys!

  2. Talk about handsome all dressed in a tux! He has personality written all over him!

    That is a very impressive program at "Second Chance At Life" for both the dogs and the handlers at the prisons. And I'm sure getting that letter from Quasar will be very heartwarming to them.

    Congrats! He's a winner!

  3. What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yup. this is one that gave me a lump in my throat. That LETTER!!! What a heartwarmingly beautiful boy!!! You are lucky to have him, and he is lucky to have you.

    You guys are great.


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