Michigan ReGAP (Retired Greyhounds as Pets) has partnered with American Harley Davidson and the Ann Arbor American Hog Chapter to sponsor a police escorted motorcycle ride to raise awareness about working and service dogs, and raise funds to rescue former racing greyhounds.
On Sunday, May 18, Washtenaw County Sheriff motorcycle police will escort participating motorcyclists on a 50-plus mile countryside ride, starting in Ann Arbor and finishing at Willow Run Airport just outside Ypsilanti. Please join us for Dog Day Afternoon.
Food and entertainment – including an aircraft display by Yankee Air Force – will follow the ride. Wolverine K-9 Search and Rescue will give demonstrations; as will be ReGAP’s Second Chance at Life Prison Program greyhounds.
For more information and to register as a motorcyclist participant, please visit the ReGAP web site.
A suggestion: Start a new, more general blog! It is kind of difficult to thank you for your nice comments about Norway or my pictures or what-not on a blog meant for animal-lovers or one dedicated to the ZIP-code in the US! ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnyway - thank your for the nice comments.
Bikers have hearts of gold.
ReplyDeleteWish we were closer too.