Monday, August 20, 2007

Ving Rhames' Dogs Not Guilty

According to a CNN report, the employee found dead on Ving Rhames' property was not killed by the owner's dogs, though a definite cause of death is pending final autopsy results. Here is a quote, from that article, by Capt. Ed Winter of the Los Angeles coroner's office:

"When animals attack humans or other animals, the victims usually end up with bites around the head and neck. He had none," Winter said. "This leads us to believe he went down for some other medical reason." (Italics are mine.)

I think this statement gives reason to suspect that, in addition to not killing the employee (Jacob Adams), the dogs also did not attack the man. It certainly appears that there is another reason for the bites. The guy had been the caretaker of the dogs for two years; it's hard to believe that they would turn on him. I suspect the bites were delivered after the guy went down, and for some reason not related to violence.

To read the CNN article, click on this link.

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